Oct 10, 2010

Last Month Birthday party

Last month at the 13th September was my birthday, but this year I have a joint birthday party for the first time with my best friend Permata, her birthday is in the 2nd of October so we dicided to have our bithday at the 18th of October. Origanally we were supposed to at least bring 3 friends to our joint birthday party and have pizza together but most of them are busy so in the end we only have one friend as our guest, and that's my beat friend Dama. i was nervous whenever Dama would get along with Permata or not, but in the end theygot along fast and we all have a lot incommon, and I even know something that I didn't know about Permata. and we three have one big incommon with eachother and that's that we all love manga and anime, in other words OTAKU. well i had a great time that day and i hope i'll have another great birthday next year as well.
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